"yahoo! News" - "Enhanced External Counterpulsation Therapy: A New Option for Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Failure Patients"
DATE:AUGUST 23,2023 | TYPE:Latest News

By Yahoo! News
[Reporter Wang Wenling / Kaohsiung Report]
With the Westernization of diets and changes in lifestyle, cardiovascular diseases among the population in Taiwan are not only increasing in number but also showing a trend of affecting younger individuals. According to the 110th-year statistics on causes of death by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, heart disease ranks as the second leading cause of death among Taiwanese people. On average, one person dies every 24 minutes due to heart disease, claiming over 20,000 lives each year. People cannot afford to underestimate the threat that heart disease poses to their health.

▲"Enhanced External Counterpulsation Therapy" can improve the hearts of patients and enhance their quality of life. (Photo taken by reporter Wang Wenling)
With advancements in medical technology, the treatment of cardiovascular diseases has progressed from surgical procedures to catheter-based interventions, allowing patients with coronary heart disease to improve their condition and extend their lifespan. However, there are still many cardiovascular disease patients who are not suitable for bypass surgery or invasive stent placement. In light of this, Kao-Ho Hospital has introduced "Enhanced External Counterpulsation Therapy" (EECP). This therapy can be likened to a massage for the blood vessels. Dr. Zheng Kaihong(鄭凱鴻), a cardiologist at Kao-Ho Hospital, explains that the EECP treatment involves attaching three pressure cuffs to the calves, thighs, and pelvic region. These cuffs are triggered by the R wave of the electrocardiogram. During the heart's relaxation phase, the cuffs inflate from the calves to the thighs and buttocks, promoting blood reflux in the lower limbs, increasing arterial blood supply to the heart muscle, and improving blood supply to vital organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys. Before the heart contracts, the cuffs rapidly deflate, opening up the compressed blood vessels in the limbs and reducing peripheral vascular resistance, thus lightening the workload of the heart. Through EECP treatment, endothelial cell function in blood vessels is improved, vascular inflammation is reduced, and new blood vessel growth in the cardiovascular system is stimulated, achieving the goal of treating cardiovascular diseases. When cardiovascular function is compromised, tissues relatively lacking oxygen tend to produce substances that promote blood vessel growth, attempting to increase the vascular supply of nutrients and oxygen. With the assistance of EECP, which increases blood circulation to these relatively oxygen-deprived tissues, along with the substances promoting blood vessel growth, small blood vessels proliferate to nourish these tissues, addressing the issues of oxygen and nutrient deprivation. Consequently, the heart and other organs gradually regain their original functionality, leading to overall health improvement.
Dr. Zheng Kaihong(鄭凱鴻) points out that the advantage of this treatment is that it doesn't require surgery and achieves therapeutic effects non-invasively. Clinical research has shown that the response rate to EECP treatment is as high as 70-80%, with effects lasting for about five years. A complete treatment course consists of 35 hours and does not require hospitalization. Patients only need to undergo one-hour sessions, five days a week, continuously for seven weeks. This regimen can improve blood oxygen levels, increase cardiac output, extend exercise duration, lower heart rate, and enhance overall quality of life.
Dr. Zheng Kaihong(鄭凱鴻) states that with the introduction of EECP, there is now an additional treatment option for patients with coronary heart disease and heart failure. After the improvement of cardiac function, circulation in organs such as the brain and kidneys also improves. Thus, patients suffering from stroke and kidney failure experience significant progress in their functional recovery. As for the evaluation of cardiac function, Kao-Ho Hospital employs the latest 4D strain echocardiography, combined with AI-based analysis for accurate examination of cardiac structure and dynamic function. Dr. Zheng highlights that this technology requires rigorous training in the United States to ensure that measurement results fall within an acceptable margin of error before being approved. It enables precise monitoring of patients' cardiac status, early detection of abnormal cardiac function, and the implementation of appropriate response measures. This technology also allows accurate tracking of clues indicating the recovery of patients' cardiac function. It is recommended to practice heart-protective actions in daily life, starting from personal habits, to take care of one's heart and live a healthy "heart" life.
Article reprinted from "yahoo! News"